Title I Family Engagement Policy
Haw Creek Elementary Family Engagement Policy
Haw Creek Elementary School
Title 1 Family Engagement Policy 2024 - 2025
The staff of Haw Creek Elementary School believe that the education of all children is a cooperative effort between the family and school. We strongly believe that family engagement improves educational achievement for all students in our school. The Haw Creek staff is committed to involving and connecting families in a variety of activities throughout the school year.
In order to promote this connection between home and school:
Families will be encouraged to help develop the school’s Family Engagement Policy and Plan that will be updated annually and by being represented on the School Improvement Team and the Principal’s Advisory Council.
An annual meeting will be held near the beginning of every school year to inform parents/guardians of the Title I Program goals, guidelines, services, and parental rights, as well as offer suggestions of ways to continue to expand upon their students' learning at home.
All families will receive a copy of the At Home-At School Compact explaining the home/school partnership for building students' success and fostering family involvement that will be signed by families, students, teachers and the principal.
Progress reports and report cards will be available quarterly.
Teachers will provide contact information to be reached by families.
Families are encouraged to notify school staff of concerns in a timely manner.
Families will be informed about opportunities for themselves and their children in a timely manner and, when available, in a language they understand.
Family involvement opportunities will be offered for families to learn strategies and to gain resources to work with their children at home in order to increase academic success.
Opportunities for families and students will be offered at various times throughout the year and in a variety of ways.
For example: Parent-Teacher Conferences, Workshops, Curriculum Events etc..
Parents will be asked to fill out a survey at the end of the year about the Title 1 program including services provided to the children, workshops and special programs.