Buncombe County Schools Menus

As the largest meal provider in Western North Carolina, we take the responsibility of serving our community's children seriously.  Our team of experienced school nutrition staff members work to make meals that are healthy, affordable, and sourced through local farms and producers when possible. Welcome to the school cafeterias of today!

Our menus and meal prices for all grade levels can be accessed below. You can also learn about meal prepayment, read our Frequently Asked Questions, view menus through our BCS mobile app, or sign up for paperless, emailed menus below!

Elementary School

Intermediate Schools

Middle Schools

High Schools

Meal Pricing & A La Carte

The prices below are for student and staff meals purchased through Buncombe County Schools cafeterias.

Primary, Elementary, Intermediate, Middle School & High School Meal Prices
Grades K-12

  • Elementary Full-Paying Lunch: No Cost

  • Intermediate Full-Paying Lunch: No Cost

  • Middle and High Full-Paying Lunch: No Cost

  • Extreme Meal Full Lunch: No Cost

  • Reduced Price Lunch: No Cost

  • Adult Meal: $4.75

  • A la carte milk: 85¢

In addition to menus being available above, meal information is also available through our BCS Mobile App.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.